Tuesday, June 19, 2012

'those people'

Halo everyone. I know it's been awhile I have update my blog.. Really sorry, I'm so out of idea to update  blog and struggling with my laziness. hehe

Anyways, the school had reopened for a week, and hopefully everything goes smoothly. Besides, I had eventually got all my results. fyi, I am not smart nor clever, indeed, it's a terrible results. I am not like my friends, they are far more smarter than me. Especially one of my friend, he scored the highest mark almost in every subject, well except English Language. haha 

Sometimes I doubt him, since he looks as if study less in school... -.-? You know, this kind of people are the scariest and the most horrible person in the world. You will never know when they study! How they can cover all the syllabuses!? He is really someone I should keep a safe distance. I look so stupid when standing beside him, despite his face problem. LOL He looks as if he knows everything in studies, but knowledge other than school syllabus, he knows nothing. :x
He is one of the example of 'those people'. 

He is more like 'those people' that always lie, pretend lazy at school, but he must be working tremendously hard at home, ONLY in STUDIES. Then, he lies what he has done at home to friends. For instance, " I haven't study this chapter!..oh no.." Or " ohh shit, I haven't start revision yet, I was watching tv shows yesterday.." HAHA, tv shows... After that, when the results come out....... highest marks. wtf

*what I've written, merely my opinion and examples. Not true okay! 
 I am not criticizing his personalities or anything, he is good, but just... on one side. No one is perfect tho! If I am wrong, I'm so sorry, but the way you show us is easy to make people misunderstand and jelly. TT The point is you make me jelly. sobsss* 

This world is not small nor big, but there are a lot of different people around the world.

Last Friday night, my friends and I felt a sting of indignation due to some issues, during tuition. Moreover the lesson was boring as well, so ruh listed out something. 

Definition of 'those people': 
  • may be flowers, but have dry roots = ( wilt easily ) 
  • have high IQ, but low EQ
  • many thorns although they're not rose breed ( dangerous ) 
  • smells nice but not edible ( harmful, attracts insects )
  • only attracts blind, dirty and stupid insects
  • only knows how to be a parasite to others 
  • a bit useless
  • talk things that only please the majority ( abit fake ) 

How to detect 'those people'
  • look nice (only)
  • have a luxurious life, very obvious because they display everything
  • disgusting after you are close to them, and found out some awful stuff
  • around them are the same shit species people
  • they know many opposite species people

Safety precaution
  • do not go near
  • if do, stay at a distance and do not be affected. 
smart tips: if you are no that smart, don't go near them. Their aura is poisonous and infective.


Well, after minyi and I read it, we burst out laughing and kept nodding. Three of us always have fun during tuition as we draw and write something funny to kill our bored. I think, we don't attract insects. ;p

If you are a flower, you will never know how it feels to be a grass, especially when flowers that attract useless insects are around.

Be observant, see whether people around you are one of 'those people'. 
Of course, there are still thousands more 'those people' in this world, you just have to be patient, as they will come to you and reveal their REAL faces. 

Hope you have fun! 

Jam. lovess