Wednesday, December 03, 2014

A Date with Big Hero 6 and Girls.

Heyyo my imaginees! How are you guys? *Genkidesune? (Japanese)* Yesterday was a beautiful day, I had a date with my college friends, despite the sky looked quite gloomy. Initially, we were planning to watch Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 1, but due to some last minute plan changed to Big Hero 6 from Disney. I wasn't interested to watch this movie at first, it didn't attract me although my lil sista did mention about it to me, but still I didn't feel any ohm to watch it until my friend suggested us. So, after I watched the trailer, it proved me wrong, so wrong, unforgivably wrong. 
I was genuinely attracted to BayMax, the white balloon thingy. He is freaking adorable! I melted every time I saw him on the screen. I somehow felt the entire cinema gone "AWWW this is so freakingly cute" when we saw him. He is indescribable! I can guarantee that Big Hero 6 is awesome and worth to watch, although the plot is easy-guess kind of thing, but still the characters are hilarious, especially Wasabi. I am not trying to be a spoiler here, but that "What's the plan" part literally made me laughing insanely in the cinema. However, there is some sentimental part as well. My friends gone bit tearing beside me.... I kind of LOL, because yeah, I do that most the time. Ya know what, annoying people do annoying thing together, I am not sure if we did that, because I think four of us made quite a lot of noises during the movie time. Some discussions over Tadashi Hadama ( handsome looking big bro of the main character) died in the early part of the movie, we all were kind of complained about it because we want to see him more often after that. Yeah, I hope we didn't really annoy people..... hehehehe 

Overall, the graphic is nice and real. Initially, I thought it was real buildings and cities, wtf. HAHAHA All the characters are well programmed and very lively. I kind of love Freddie, he is super care-free kind of guy, but very very freaking wealthy. That part when his friends find out he is come from a rich family, is hilarious! Oh, Go Go is so so so so COOOLLLL :D AHHHH, I love all the characters so much! They are like real person somehow. BayMax needless to say, he is freaking adorable, naive, sweet and fat. LOL Okay, I shall stop being a spoiler now, or else you guys might hate me. teeeheeee You guys shall watch it, it is worth more than the ticket price itself! 
The Voice Casting of Big Hero 6
The trailer

After movie what else we could do? TEA TIME, because the cinema hall was undoubtedly freezing cold. So, we opted to have some warm beverages and gossip - girl thing ya'know. Just couldn't help, you know girls... Oh and of course groupfie and selfie. 
Piccolo Latte! woots

Natalie and Nicole

candid shot by Nicole. Me and Amanda

LOL Thanks to Nicole. I look derp (Nicole's fav adjective) here

trying to selfie but spoiled by Nicole again.

Then, window shopping.. I was thinking to get the sunglasses but then.... Nah. 
I shall not spend too much of my hard-save money.

Then, that's all! :) 

Well-spent with my girls! We talked and chatted a lot. LOL I feel so lucky to have them! wheeeeeee

I hope you guys, imaginees have a great and nice day! All the best. xoxo

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