Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The CNY spirit! whoooooooosh~ Part3

Hello imaginees! I am back for my CNY spirit post! This is my last CNY spirit post, as I've said, my CNY is really short, not many of visiting my relative or friends houses due to the test. 

So, the second day of CNY aka Chor Yee, my family went back to my hometown for dinner and gatherings! ;) It was a well-spent day as well, because bonding time is always the best activity to spend a day! Especially, festive season. lol

Let's start off with a family reunion lunch with my mom-side-relatives.

Happy time with cousies! ;)

Happy family. wheeeeee~

random selfie hahaha

Then, second round of gathering with my-papa-side-relatives!

Trying to open the red wine sponsored by my uncle to celebrate CNY! yoooo!


love this picha! because I look pretty there! :x


Third day of CNY aka Chor Sam went to visit another relative ;) 


Couldn't help but wanna take a selfie with him. Chubby-ness overloaded hahahaha

After that, me with my mom, aunt and sistas went to three malls (Quill City Mall, KLCC and TheGardens) to spend our day. Malls tour ya'know. LOL Such a long time I'd experience this, because when I was a kid, I used to do this all the time with my mom and aunt and sis! hahahahahahaha So reminiscing! 

Okay, that's all for my CNY spirit post! Seeya next year for CNY post! hahahaha 

all the best! *muacks*

take care, loveya


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