Friday, December 07, 2012

it's a short little dream.

Well, guys I'm so sorry for not updating my blog, because something's wrong perhaps. It's about the storage limitation something, I don't know. So, I can no longer upload large number of photos on blog. Honestly, I wanted to update about my Malacca trip last week, then that storage limitation problem happened. damn it. Therefore, I think to quit blogger maybe, or I'll need to blog without photos. No way, it's gonna be extremely boring posts without photos! I tried to get solution to this problem, but seems due to my shortage of knowledge regarding this IT stuff or whatsoever, I couldn't get any help. Besides, if to upgrade my storage, I have to pay monthly for the benefits, I would say so, benefits. 

hmm, December is here for some time, and obviously, I've started my tuition. It isn't something bad actually, because I need to boost up myself and prepare for the battle. LOL Most importantly, I must quit anime marathon too! I'd been watching anime for the whole last month, merely satisfy myself. It was tiring actually, but I enjoyed it, since I don't have much leisure time to do so next year. teehee Of course, besides watching anime, I did something other than that, I did craft. Something cute and lovely. LOL Anyway, I wouldn't say I wasted my November, but inversely I found myself enjoying the month with anime and craft. :) 

The Elephant!

The bunny!

So, I am going to another stage in my secondary school life, it also indicates the end of my secondary school life! Form5 is the eldest form in my school, and SPM is ahead of all of us. I know, it may be too early to mention SPM, but time flies, you know, we cannot take this too easy! I am afraid of it, because I am not good enough and yet prepare for that challenge. I scared to be knocked out. I am scared to lose. Of course, I don't need to win in every war, because I am still not there yet, but at least the important one, ? I NEED TO. I have to get over it!

Okay, life is hard right, always. We human, develop, grow, change. We cannot stop at one point, we must move on! Remember, time is fixed. :) Enjoy your life while you can, because surprises happens without giving presage. Do things you like, that you enjoy so much, and make it a success! Indeed, it's not a piece of cake, but try, at least you try to achieve you dream! Don't leave any rue in your life! :) Live it to the fullest! 

A song I love. 

Where there is desire, there is gonna be a flame
Where there is a flame, someone's bound to get burn
Just because it burns, doesn't mean you gonna die
You gotta get up and try! :)

Dream don't die, I agree. Somehow, I don't know why, someone told me, a dream that comes true is not a real dream, and I wonder why. 
Dream is a thing that separates us from reality, an imaginary world that motivate us in reality?! Because dream can be anything you want, you are the controller, you manipulate everything inside it, all the details are within you fingers. 
I'm sure, dream is a beautiful thing, only nightmares bring us terrible and horrible things. Nightmares ruin the dream, but dream never dies. Dream can be dreadful, if you bring it to reality. Don't mix up dream and reality, you might be the one who suffer.

Jam. lovess

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