Monday, April 01, 2013


whoa how time flies eh, it's April already. Especially today, the most unique day in April, hmm, April Fool. Well, I didn't really get prank or fooled today, because I didn't feel anything special about it. why ah? Maybe my school environment is a place where friends always prank each other, make fun of each other, having fun of it, so I didn't really have a special feeling of it?. haha Anyway, Happy April Fool. :) 

Now, it's time to get serious. I don't have much time left to my coming exam. Well, it may seems a bit distant from now, but time elapses real fast okay. I have no more extra time to be procrastinating around, nor relax. sigh, how can my life turn out to be like this. But I believe that, it's gonna only be a short while, because after this I'll have my life back into my own hands. muahaha, however, now it's still early to redeem it, it's not the right timing yet. :D

I know, it's gonna be a long fight, long and suffering preparation before the real war. Of course, no pain no gain. It's all depends on how much effort you've invest for it. So, I'll try my best to score a better grade for my mid term exam, as my monthly test was a shameful results. wtf Okay, I know I deserve to have this, but I swear I'll do better for the coming test! I promise!! And to keep my promise, I'll try to be hardworking and do my revision consistently as it's the key to accomplish my goal. haha Okay, I'll try because I know I am kinda the person with poor endurance in doing stuff like this. teehee

Fight involves a lot of complication, confusion, suffer, and struggle. Sometime we're left with the last option where we can do nothing with it. Fight is the thing we can do for ourselves in order to get a better reward. Once we are clear about our aspiration, we will be able to carry on fighting. If, we have lost in the halfway, we may lose everything, including our true identity. How cruel it can be. 
In a different stage, we are ought to fight for certain goal, despite our strong reluctance, we still have to keep on going. 

Different stage is set with different goal for ourselves, because life isn't perfect. When we're able to achieve something, it will become some heroic or remarkable story in our life. So, somebody may searching for perfection in life by hook or by crook. Anyhow, the consequence may be fatal. Who knows? Indeed, you're free to go after everything you want, you desire, your dream, but bear in mind, you're the only one who is responsible for the outcome, please do not condemn anyone when thing become worse. Nobody is gonna stop you, but at least try to listen to the others, their advice may be helpful sometime. Listen and observe. Don't just go ahead like nobody's business, and rushing here and there. Take a break, and walk slowly to see and enjoy the view on your way. You will actually learn more and know more about your surrounding, besides it will be helpful to achieve your dream too! All you need is some inspiration. Inspiration is important to support our life. Inspiration is something like a soul to life. 

Maybe I should get some inspiration for life too, instead of burying my head in studies. Okay, I'm not really burying, but at least I've been struggling a lot. Seriously, it was killing me, when I was undecidable and confusion ran in and out of my mind. I was suffering like hell, going to gone insane. Fortunately, someone deep inside of me, remind me something important. "Be the person you're comfortable with. Don't let bad thing get in your way. You know your aspiration well, so go ahead, grab it and own it for life, despite you knew it's not a piece of cake."
I dream a lot about my aspiration and it kills actually. lol Of course, it is easy to dream without thinking it thoroughly. When the moment to start off the basic step, it kills everything, you'll feel it, all the stress, dilemma and struggle which keep get in your way. I was thinking to give up. I thought about it for thousand times, but I keep my persistence, as I know I am not that jerk who is easy to be taken down. I am not that kind of girl, I cannot be that kind of girl. 

Yup, life is full of ups and downs. I always remind myself, tolerate, get along with it, you need to experience it. You will gain more than that. This is part of life. Learn, grow up, get better and be yourself. This is my belief for myself and life. It can be said that it's part of my support for life. teehee

erm, I wasn't planning to write that long, but hehe......

This is life eh.

Jam. lovess

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