Monday, March 11, 2013

so random; D-vs-R

Oh yay! Guys I'm back, hehe the exam has officially ends! ho ho ho I am freaking relax right now, even though teacher may distribute the exam papers tomorrow, but I don't really mind and I have expected the outcome. So, no worries, I will shed tears maybe? haha, I know I always do that silly brainless stuff. Okay, skip that.

credit to minyi and her cam. haha At Seremban Jusco.
hmm, Despite the exam has ended, but March is gonna be a super hectic month to me, as I had registered the intensive class for three subjects and I have to attend class on weekends! sobs, anyhow, I think it's a better way to spend my weekends perhaps? My outing plans need to wait, or go out during weekdays? hahaha But anyway, I had went out last Saturday with my friends! 
teehee, to be honest, it's the first time I had ever went so far with my friends to watched nice movie and of course attend our special tuition class from our tutor. hahaha Well, a thousand of thanks to my tutors who were willing to 'entertain' us so well! muahaha, I will study hard. lol 

Honestly, the whole exam week was idle and lifeless. I don't know why, supposedly I love science but then, I feel kinda reluctant towards it... sobs. When I was young, my aspiration was to become a scientist, despite how naive I was. But seriously, I used to love science so much, until I would go to google to get an answer for myself, it's all due to my strong sense of curiosity. Unfortunately, now everything has changed. Science isn't as easy as I thought. Well, I feel pinch of regret of choosing science stream, lol, but now it's too late to change, right?. Anyhow, I will strive for the best I can achieve, because I will finish the decision that I've made. Even though, the future is quite distant.? 

I dream alot, sometime even to the extreme. And when I woke up from it, I found that it's really dangerous to intoxicate with dream, because there is a huge gap between Dream and Reality.

Dream is something that is so-called future story, or will never happen, or just a imaginary picture; Reality is something happening in our life, and it's impossible to be stopped from moving on.
Apparently, we all know that the difference between dream and reality and yet ourselves still insist to pursue Dream, because we knew dream always has better conditions than reality, despite it's a imaginary fact.
Isn't it weird? Even though we knew it's not real, but we still go crazy for it until we couldn't get ourselves out from the situation. 
Until a certain level, we will completely intoxicated with the dream. And in our life, dream and reality will be mixed up, until ourselves can't differentiate which one is false or real. We have lose our ability to think and analyse. In the end, our life become disastrous and messed up.
Any yet, I still day dream alot, because my reality is being too cruel to me. The endless challenges keep coming to me until I become numb and feeling-less. Dream is always a better place to widen my mind and keep my brain function well. LOL It's a fib obviously. Dream is just a getaway of the reality, isn't it? 

Reality is always being cruel to us. Dream is a getaway of the reality. -that's why dream is always an option.

Under certain pressure, we would rather believe the dream than accept the truth of the reality, because we know the aftermath behind the truth. -that's why dream is always an option.

end- tata

Jam. lovess

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