Saturday, April 14, 2012

Rhythm of Life.

April...April...April... Life.. Life... Life.. April is here for two weeks now, and time elapses as if nowhere. I was wondering, how far I had came here and what I've done during this three months and two weeks. I think I had wasted my time again, but..... BUT, it's how my life belongs to, isn't it? wasting my irreversible time. 

My life is getting busy, but I am still in my own tortoise pace and not tend to follow my hectic life pace. I am about to kick out from my life, perhaps. lol, my life isn't able to carry me further anymore, I can't pursue my dreams any longer, because they always fail to make me happy. My pace is getting slower and I had sicked of everything which goes out of my way. *sounds as if I'm giving up for my life. No actually.

Complaint isn't going to make anything better, it's only going to drag down everything. 
Somehow, people love to complain about life. Funny, isn't it? Indeed, it's the nature of life, people do what life is meant to be, what is life about. Why? Because people are depending on life, similar to life, it's also rely on people. Losing any one will never turn out a balance phenomena. lol They are controlling each other.
People complain, so? Life is still have to carry on. Life is dragging you with itself, you are unable to free yourself, no matter how hard you try to struggle off. You are part of it, and it's one of your eternal possession. If it is approaching to one's end, it's the same to you. 

Think of it appropriately. 



Life is like a song. An awesome song, never turn out to be dull and insipid. A good melody and rhythm go like a roller coaster, an endless up and down. Sometimes, it may be sounded simple but if you listen to it carefully, it will bring you to another world, experience a new world. 
A song is make up of abundant notes and rhythm. Every note indicates a character. A mixture of various note create a melody, a different story. Life isn't make up of only one story, it's a combination of various stories. For instance, self, families, friends and love. That's how they make life outstanding.

Maybe everyone's life has the similar elements, but the contents are individual. 

Life makes people unique in their own way. :) lol

Jam. lovess

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