Halo guys, sincerely apologize to everyone who is reading my blog, today I am not gonna update about my CNY. So SORRY to disappoint you. The photos are still in the camera and there are tons of photos that should be cut into the comp, but that will take lots of my precious time. Additionally, I was super busy lately, damn busy with my homework. thanks alot teachers, I appreciate that. x.x I am gonna be knocked down someday, seriously.
Okay, let's talk about How I feel about today. hmm, well it wasn't as special as the special Friday with my classmates, however there is still a lil different about today. I made an unexpected move. :) I never thought I would make that move until today. I summoned up my blood and walked through the awkward situation. LOL
Yeap, I attended the volleyball club activity under the circumference that I didn't know anyone there. Well, I did recognize some of the seniors but they were absent today. So, I know nobody there, neither them know me. But at least I tried to blend in with the new juniors. lol Firstly, it was super awkward when I knew I am the eldest among them and few present are young school-team members who don't know me either. I was standing there ALONE, and nobody really talk to me, I hugged myself with my arms, hoped to get some security and comfort myself, " i'm not really alone. see? people are there, go talk to them, communicate, blend in blend in....". LOL I was like wtf, that was so embarrassing!
I was once an inactive team member which were N years ago. Then, I left the team, because I was't the important one nor the main member, so my present wasn't a huge matter. Plus, shameful to say that, I couldn't stand those criticism from coach. lol Seriously, those were really sharp comments from her. teehee But she was right la and thanks to her, I was able to know more about volleyball. By the way, my passion for volleyball is still very strong even after I left the team. :')
Even though it was freaking embarrassed, I still enjoyed the practice today. :) I did something challenging, and I am proud of myself. It proves that I am more independent! hahaha But ah, I still can't forget how awkward was that moment! ahhhhh, get over get over! grow up grow up! lmao
Besides, I felt more like part of the school when I attended the activity today, as I can know more people, talk to other schoolmates, communicate.. Worse of all, I finally realized it is so uncomfortable to know that I'm the eldest among the forms, the Form5. why ah? I feel so old, as if wrinkles are appearing on my face, like an old-wrinkled-lady. omg, what am i talking about?! I am not that kind of appearance, but I feel like one. *facepalm*
Oh, and Friends are important in our life! haha they make our life more relax and comfortable with their present. Seriously, the awkward moment will be less awkward when we have our friends with us, at least there is someone to share the awkwardness. :) So, cherish the people around you, one day you will know, true friends are so hard to get one when you get to the outside of your world- the true and cruel world, the society.
And passion is also an important element to perfect your life. A life without passion, it's like a life without its soul. :)
It will turn out something like walking dead.? haha just joking!
Go outside the world, explore the world, explore your life. :)
So, how you feel about today?
Jam. lovess